
Being born with a seemingly innate fascination for music creation and after having different artist projects in my early youth I started my solo project "LeftLukas" in January 2018. 

This was the first serious step into my music career. In the years that followed I released over a hundred songs online, generated more than 6.000.000 Streams on Spotify alone and played shows at huge festivals in Germany and Austria as well as having performances in TV and interviews on international radio stations.

As open minded as I have always been I was always looking for ways to get better (which painfully clashed with my inner critic a lot of times), to grow (mentally, physically, musically and spiritually) and to challenge my current perspective on life (which costs a lot of Leave-Your-Ego-Behind moments)

But my fascination for this kind of growth paired with my passion for fusing the most different genres and styles of music that I could find, opened a whole new world of creation for me in early 2022. 

There, I met my dear friend and partner Dan from the worldwide known YouTube channel Breathwork Beats and started creating music for his breathwork sessions.

It was a whole new field of sound and creative freedom for me so I kept creating and exploring this new style of music that I had just found. 

Plus I was very inspired by the fact that this music is reaching thousands of people, helping them to transform and healthrough these Breathwork sessions. I knew it cause after practicing Breathwork and Meditation for 3 years (at that point) I have experienced the power first hand. 

It felt like a new life purpose (which was very much needed in that phase of my life) was beginning to unfold.

Just a year after meeting Dan / Breathwork Beats I found myself being connected to some of the biggest coaches in the breathwork and wellness space worldwide and started working with them, expanding my creations into the realms of Meditation as well. 

And thus ALCHEMYSOUND was born.

A fusion of my 9+ years experience as a diverse music producer and mixing engineer and a dedication for (spiritual) wellness realms into a completely new style of music creation and audio mixing.

I found myself being more and more fascinated by the transformative power of music and sound. 

So I made it my new purpose to explore the depths of music creation, sound and frequencies and through that, bring transformation into our world that - in this way - has never been there before.

Transformation for us. To re-connect with our essence, with our truth and power. 

Cause once we're connected to our true power we are able to reshape the world and the experience of life as we know it. 

I truly believe that music, sound and the breath are one of the most important keys to achieve that.

Thank you for joining me here,

- Lukas

Experience My Breathwork Music Library 🎧